Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Invasive Weeds

Myrtle Spurge

Get HELP and MONEY to rid your Boulder foothills community of noxious weeds! Apply Now

Wildlands Restoration Volunteers is partnering with neighborhoods in the foothills of unincorporated Boulder County to collaborate toward an achievable management plan for noxious weeds with a focus on Myrtle Spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites). With grant funding from Boulder County, the Colorado Department of Agriculture and a 20-year track record of results organizing volunteers around land stewardship, we can assist your neighborhood to control the spread of Myrtle Spurge and work toward eradication, which is required by law in Colorado.

This is a weed that can be very harmful to people and has few predators, so it can crowd out the diverse native plants that make up our local flora. This can cause significant damage to our native ecosystems, and the State of Colorado has determined that it poses an economic and environmental threat to our State. State law actually requires eradication by property owners. Our program, however, is not about enforcement – it is about awareness and providing assistance to encourage effective eradication of this dangerous weed.

If you’re ready to get on top of the weeds in your neighborhood, WRV can help! We are here to assist with organizing your neighbors, mapping infestations, creating a management plan for your neighborhood, planning neighborhood weed pulling events, and recruiting additional volunteers. There is absolutely NO COST to participate, in fact we have a cost share fund to help with hiring a contractor to deal with large or hard-to-access infestations which are not suitable for mechanical removal by volunteers.

Learn more about how our program can help by watching the video recording from our Community Meeting above.

Take Action!

If you live in the foothills of unincorporated Boulder County and have Myrtle Spurge on or near your property, we want to hear from you. If you’re ready to jump right in, you can apply for help organizing your neighborhood to take on Myrtle Spurge.

If you have an infestation that is particularly large or hard to access and need to hire a contractor to help with eradication, you can apply for partial reimbursement from our cost share program. We will reimburse half of the cost of treatment, up to $500. Please request only what you need so our fund goes as far as possible.

other weeds

WRV also works to eradicate other invasive species, including tamarisk, Mediterranean sage, Russian olive, and teasel (video). We encourage you to keep an eye out for noxious weeds on your property and to treat them if you find any! The Colorado Department of Agriculture has detailed guides to the identification and treatment of all of Colorado’s weeds. Thanks for helping us protect our native flora and fauna!

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